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No.4 Clarity

NEW Blend No.4-CLARITY a brand new formula from our original Clarity blend. As always this blend is totally unique as it’s created by us. It contains the following essential oils-Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemon, Bergamot and Peppermint to better promote concentration, focus and clarity of mind, for those days when you are finding it hard to sort out out your thoughts, plus as these oils have great cleaning properties it’s super including this blend in your toxin free home cleaning routine.

Regular price £8.50+

NEW Blend! No.4-CLARITY Atomiser Mist

Regular price £20+

NEW Blend No.4-CLARITY Reed Diffuser

Regular price £15+

NEW Blend No.4-CLARITY Soy Candle

Regular price £12+

NEW Blend No.4-CLARITY Pure Essential Oil Blend

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